Diocese of Leeds Coat of Arms

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church

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First Holy Communion 2023

First Holy Communion 2023

It was a scorching day, and as the sun beat down on Harrogate, around 30 of our Yong People came to celebrate Mass and receive Holy Communion for the first time last Saturday (10th June).

We celebrated two Masses, which were in themselves wonderful events at which family and friends could gather together to celebrate the most beautiful moment in any person’s life – the moment they receive Holy Communion, and for the first time.

On Sunday 11th, the children were invited back to the 11.00am Sunday Mass, and then to enjoy a First Holy Communion “breakfast” in the Church Hall afterwards.  It was a beautiful weekend, and a fine celebration of Corpus Christi.

Please continue to hold our Young People in your prayers, and may they continue faithfully coming to receive regularly the Body of Christ.